Wednesday 7 March 2007


Now then now then, this could be bad. Very bad. I'm wondering how much time I'm now going to spend ranting about absolute shite on this blog, I already piss away most of the day on various forums and news sites inbetween the odd bit of video or design work....but now I've got a whole blog to bore the world with!

A quick introduction to those who've found this without prior knowledge of my existence and place in this godforsaken reality. My name is Jamie and I'm not spanish, but I have a fair bit of family from those sides (For reasoning behind the use of Que? See south park season 3 episode 1.) I were born and raised in Nottingham - where I still live, eat, drink, work etc today. I run a small media company called Synoptics which encompasses live VJing (as VJ Synoptic), video production mainly for web output, design and photography. Alongside that theres WigFlex, a night I run with DJ Spam Chop monthly at Muse bar and weekly at Stone bar. I'm sure I'll write all about all that in due course. As for now its about that time where I get bored of my office and go for a smoke. Peace.

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